At PrecisionCare we believe that an EHR solution should help provide a seamless and personalized experience to all individuals receiving Behavioral Health services.
PrecisionCare offers a complete case record management solution for a wide range of Behavioral Health programs. Our system provides relevant workflows and accurate documentation results in a user friendly interface. Using PrecisionCare, staff can quickly log in on a portable tablet or smartphone and access the information they need with just a few clicks. This efficiency saves time and improves productivity, reducing costs and increasing income for an organization. Keep all records electronic, and do away with paper records!

Our comprehensive features for managing Behavioral Health case records include:
- Intake Management
- Referral Management and Tracking
- Individual Demographics
- Employment Tracking
- Contact Management
- Consent for Release Authorization for Disclosure
- Support for Intermediate Care Facilities
- Service Planning and Reviews
- Behavior Support Plans
- Data Collection
- Goal Outcome Tracking
- Progress and Group Notes
- Monthly Notes
- Incident Management and Investigations
- Authorization Tracking
- Hospitalizations
- Attendance
- Assessments
- Self-Directed Services
- Medical Management
- Appointment Tracking
- Medication Management
- Medical Event Tracking
- eMAR and Pharmacy Interface
- RHIO Connectivity
- Individual and Family Portal
- Date Tracking/Calendar
- Secure Messaging
- Alerts
- Ad Hoc Reporting
- Data Exporting
- Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence
- Audit Tracking
- Human Resource Management
- Training Management
- Fundraising Tools
- Communication Logs
- Digital and Electronic Signatures
- Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
- Telehealth
- Individual History
- Treatment Planning
- Diagnosis Look Up and Libraries
- CareLog
- Admission and Discharge Tracking