An individual receiving services may approve a consent for release authorization for disclosure of their personal health information (PHI). PrecisionCare supports a number of functions and customizations around consent. We enable users to create Consent for Release forms directly in the system. These forms and reports can be created dynamically by users or provided by PrecisionCare. The information that is entered on any consent form is saved directly in PrecisionCare, digested for authenticity, and can be displayed or presented to authorized users. PrecisionCare provides the ability to create, populate, send externally for signatures, receive signed forms, store them within an individual’s record, and update an individual’s status to record fulfillment of consent requirements. PrecisionCare supports multipurpose consents that require signatures of the staff completing the consent for release form, and the authorized individual receiving services, or their legal guardian or personal representative. PrecisionCare gives users the ability to identify the authorizing party. If the authorizing party is someone other than the individual, they must then be a legal guardian or personal representative.

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